Miracle at the Rose Bowl
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Photo Credit: rayterrill on Flickr |
I just got this email from my wife's grandpa (my wife's mom's dad, hence the signature). The story blew me away. I couldn't help but share it.
Dear Family,As you have noticed, I don't send you many emails, because, unless they are inspirational, or truth that we should be aware of, or something that will bring a smile or a laugh to brighten the day, I see no sense in wasting the time to forward it. I hate getting emails that leave me upset or frustrated.This email concerns a very special message I heard last night at the Magic Castle, during the meeting of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians that I almost didn't attend (due to it being a very stressful day). Rather than call each of you and retell this experience four separate times, that was told to us, I thought I would just send it via email. Also, this way you can retell it to others by just letting them read it. I would like it to be a testimony to your kids, your friends and possibly your Church.We have a well loved member by the name of Bob Ross, who is, among other things, an EMT/Paramedic. He is hired by the movie and TV studios to be on site during the shooting of scenes where there is a danger of an accident. He said you would be surprised at how many serious accidents happen on TV sets. He is also a very good magician/stand up comedian and also volunteers for the Pasadena Fire Department as an EMT for large events that require more personnel than they have on staff.On November 11, 2011 he was working (volunteering) as a part of a two man EMT team at an event taking place at the Pasadena Rose Bowl. He said his team was assigned to a particular spot on the field, on the west side of the Bowl. He didn't say what the event was, but just said that most of the people were on the field and that it was very, very crowded. He was supposed to stay at the post he was assigned to so that all of the police and fireman could find he and his partner if they were needed.At some time during the festivities he had this strange feeling come over him and he said his mind was experiencing thoughts that were pulling him to the opposite side of the field. After a few minutes he couldn't ignore the "pulling" inside him and he turned to his partner and said follow me. His partner was totally taken by surprise because no one had contacted them and they were supposed to stay there. Bob just looked at him and very determinedly said "follow me", and took off for the other side of the field. Just as they got to the other side a man who was about five paces in front of him collapsed. Bob got there and lifted his head and neck up to examine him and the man shuddered and died in his arms. Bob told his partner to get the gear out they carry in back packs and suitcases and they went to work on him. I forget most of what he said they did but the main things was that they had a portable defibrillator, which they used within about two minutes and after one shock the mans heart started to beat and he came back to life. Within three minutes he was sitting up, conscious and talking. He said the police, who were holding the crowd back and had been told that they had a dead body to deal with, were all bug eyed and speechless.They took him away in an ambulance, and Bob found out later that he had a serious congenital heart disease that he was not even aware of. The doctors also said that it was the type of attack that had a five minute window of possible success of his being brought back. After five minutes he would have been gone. Bob also found out that he was only 45 years old, a husband and father, and the pastor of a Four Square Church in the Pasadena area.Bob is a very strong Christian, and he said that the feeling that came over him had never happened before and was not describable. He knows in his heart thought that the Lord was directing him, as a very special person, with special skills, to help one of his flock, that was still needed here on earth to minister to others.Bob is being presented with a special award this next week by the Pasadena Fire Department for a heroic deed....................................... that can't be explained.Love You,Dad
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